Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, Monday

Hello again.

First off, thank you to those who read my first post and commented. For some reason I didn't think anyone would ever actually read this blog. I must say I'm honored, you are all wonderful writers.


Cyd said...

Make sure to post pictures of how the Alice in Wonderful costume comes out! Sounds like a great costume.

Modelmental said...

I love Alice, such a cute and easy costume... Some forgotten memory is slowly surfacing of me in a blue dress, white apron and alice band... Aw sweet.

Friday said...

Turns out I was thinking of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz with the blue checked dress. So I convinced Child #2 to consider being Dorothy and I sold her on the idea with the Ruby slippers - the child can't resist a shiny pair of shoes. The Ex's new wife turned out to have some sewing ability and made a very nice Dorothy dress before I could purchase the dress from Target. I will definitly post photos when we get the dress to our house (and the child got TWO pairs of ruby slippers out of the deal.