Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tag - you're it...
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. (I'm not currently in the mood to follow instructions and learn how to embed links, so search for E&E's blog - it is very well done.)
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blog. (OK - again with the links - not happening today - so, anyone who reads this - consider yourself tagged.)
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog! (can't really do that because I don't know who will read this because I am uber lazy today.)
5. Eat at least one slice of pizza every day for the next week. (Ok, sorry, that's not in the rules, but shouldn't it be?) (I am including this last rule because I agree that it should be included even if it is a recent addition.)
1. my dog can smile and give hugs.
2. I HATE using umbrellas and rain coats. I prefer to just be rained on. I don't know why, I make the kids use these items but not me and I live in the Northwest, so this comes up a lot.
3. I change my hair color every 6-8 weeks and the color changes tend to follow the seasons - blond in summer and black / brown in the fall and winter.
4. I believe that Flashdance is one of the all time classic movies. That movie is perfect.
5. I've had the same best friend since I was 11. She had a baby 4 months ago and the baby is absolutely darling. I got to go visit and hold her today (often the highlight of my work day). Her dogs (which are much smaller than mine) will bite your ears and sit on your shoulders if you get down to their level.
6. I still have Child # 1's dead pet hamster in our freezer because she wanted him to be cremated and I have yet to actually take him to a pet crematorium and pay a ridiculous amount to fry him. He has now moved with us twice in his current condition. (He is safely wrapped in cloth and stored in a double zip lock bag).
7. I have a phobia about teeth. If one of the kids has a loose tooth and they show me, I have to freak out and do the gross out dance (yes the kids have learned how to use this to amuse themselves)- I can't even read books about loose teeth - and yes there are children's books about loose teeth. But I am a good tooth fairy - the kids get a substantial reward whenever they loose a tooth.
I believe I am now supposed to nomitate someone to continue this meme - I say if you are interested post this in your own blog - hooray!
My save the dates came and went - well at least my half went. Mr. M still has to gather the addresses for his half and then his half will go as well. I will post photos once I manage to remember to take a picture of them. I ordered them from Vistaprint, they are standard sized post cards with a design that Vistaprint had in their collection. The total was only approx. $30 for 100 including shipping. They aren't super fancy but I think they are pretty cool.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Update - October
photo from ebay
The dress (the photo above is the inspiration and all the info I gave to Mr. M's aunt. I really like the vintage look but I am not a tiny human, so I needed to get a dress made)- Mr. M's aunt came to our house to do a preliminary fitting of my dress. She is WONDERFUL (maybe it runs in the family). She was very patient with me since I know nothing about sewing or fabric or really wedding planning at all. She looked at all my inspiration boards (which was fun b/c although Mr. M will look at them, he doesn't have the right kind of enthusiasm), she managed to make a mock-up of my dress in muslin to take home with her, she revealed that she had a whole box of blue mason jars at home, she agreed to make our cakes (she was a baker for 12 years), she found the kind of fabric she wants to use for the dress and she found patterns for the kids' dresses.
I have gotten completely busy at work today so I will sign off for now. More updates soon and Hooray! I figured out how to get a picture in the blog.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday, Monday
First off, thank you to those who read my first post and commented. For some reason I didn't think anyone would ever actually read this blog. I must say I'm honored, you are all wonderful writers.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I need all the help I can get with this wedding planning.
This is my second wedding; but the first one doesn't really count because it was when I was 18 and knocked up. I didn't plan that wedding; it was planned by my folks. That marriage lasted ten years and produced two beautiful children but ended when the ex decided to ditch the wife and kids for a trampy co-worker. His choice turned out to be a wonderful development in my life (after the horror, misery and depression wore off).
I found a man that I love completely. He is wonderful in almost every way and I am thrilled that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.
This is going to be my last wedding and I thought I would try to make this wedding something special (really, all weddings should be).
I never thought I would be this happy and I'm excited that next year I get to share this happiness with my friends and family. I just don't know how to plan weddings, or parties for that matter. I have learned a lot from the wedding blog community and I thought I would toss my hat in the ring.
Lets see if this works....